The Manger of God

It is the place where the predatory Harpies withdrew, which are winged spirits daughters of Thaumantas and an Oceanid Electra and belong to the Pre-Olympian divine generation. They mean "Storm", "Quick Flight" and "Dark" and are depicted as birds with female heads with razor-sharp talons to carry the souls of the dead.

In this cave the Dactyls (Curetes) together with the goat, Amalthea took over the care of the newborn "Zeus" from Rhea and while Amalthea engaged in his upbringing, the Dactyls bang their shields with power so that the infant is not discovered and devoured by his father Cronus by its crying.


Diktaio Andro

N35° 09.588' E25° 26.777'

In the Minoan era, Zeus was worshiped in Diktaio Andro (Psychron Cave) as a god with the double ax and has a chthonic character because he is a god of nature’s rebirth which dies in the winter and is reborn in the spring, only to be transferred north in Dodoni where the worship of Zeus is expressed as a "Tree Worship" and is joined with the chthonic Goddess of vegetation "Dione", who preexisted in this area since the Bronze Age. The priesthood of the Divine Couple was the "Selloi" who slept on the ground and never washed their feet to be in touch with Gaea to draw from her this oracular power.


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